EME 2040
Chapter 7 Exploring Problem Solving with Software, Apps, and Games
How do teachers use technology to promote solving and inquiry learning among students? 1. Basic computer skills. 2. PBL (Problem Based Learning) 3. Real problems with real solutions.
It's always good to start teaching children (elementary age and younger) basic computer skills. This will help to have all the students on the same page. You could do this in small or large group. It could become a group discussion and if they have any questions, this would be a great time to bring it up. I always like to create books for children to go back and use a reference if any questions come up.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is the type of term used when assignments are given to the students. The students are given a scenario or problem and the students work in a group to solve the problem. The teacher will have the technology ready to be used. Their outcome is to be shared with the rest of the students. This is a quick video about PBL.
Students learn from real problems and have real solutions to the problem. These skills will help the students when they get into the real world and face true problems. They will be able to use the skills they learned in school to solve problems, at work, school, or even just on an everyday problem. Working in a group will get the students motivated and willing to find the answers to the problem. In the end the students could present their solution to the class.
PBL is a wonderful way to engage students and apply that inquiry-based learning with higher level thinking skills. It is fantastic to use at the elementary level which lends itself a bit more to interdisciplinary work, as well. The video explains the basic concept well and enhances the post.